Issue 6 - February 2015

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Special Issues on Illegal Immigration

EUCPN Board Meeting 24 March 2014

Zappeion, Conference & Exhibition Center, Athens

Professor Dr. Christina Zarafonitou,

Director of Postgraduate Programme Studies of Criminology, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences
Guest Editor of "The Art of Crime" Issue n. 6

The first topic of the EUCPN Board Meeting organized by the Hellenic Presidency focused on the “Illegal immigration”. In this context two main speakers have addressed the phenomenology of the phenomenon in Greece and four interventions approached its main aspects. The aforementioned presentations are included in this Special Issue of the Art of crime in order to be communicated to all interested scholars, since these presidential meetings were not “open” to public audience.

The board Meeting has started with the presentation of ProfessorDr. Christina Zarafonitou, Panteion University,on the“Illegal immigration, the perception of ghettos and the fear of crime in the center of Athens”. In this context, the paper focuses, firstly, on the official data concerning the dimension of immigration last 20 years and the special treats of illegal immigration (i.e., nationality of foreigners, area of installation, nationality of traffickers, traffickers and immigrants arrested by the police or the port police etc.). Secondly, the paper focuses on the presentation of the main results of the author’s study concerning the ghettos’ perception among the inhabitants of the Athens city-centre. According these data, and even though the existence of ghettos is not confirmed as a whole, the majority of the respondents were convinced that their area ‘has become a ghetto’.In fact, the conditions that characterise an area as ‘transitional’ towards becoming a ghetto are determined in these areas of the centre of Athens. Consequently, immediate and regulatory state intervention is considered essential so that the centre of Athens will not undertake yet again its role as a ‘transition zone’, according to the ecological approach of the Chicago School. In fact, the amelioration of the perceived image of the areas from their inhabitants as it is registered in the follow-up study could be correlated with the increased police presence. Furthermore, this image of amelioration of the quality of life is accompanied by an ameliorated evaluation of police work during the period of the follow-up study (2013). However, this image does not coincide with the decrease of victimisation, the reported levels of which are higher in these areas than in 2011.

The next presentation of Dr. Joanna Tsiganou, Director of Research National Centre for Social Research – (EKKE) addressed the topic “Non-regular migration into Greece: Reporting and Recording Quantitative and Qualitative Research Data”.The paper aimed at providing basic research background information in the field of irregular migration into Greece. It also attempts to provide increasing transparency through a critical appraisal of data and estimates in comparative perspective. Quantitative information is accompanied by substantial background materials, both on issues of general concern and on the situation in Greece and abroad. A number of interrelated questions are addressed which range from straightforward empirical and methodological questions such as “how much irregular migration is there?”, “how it is changing?”, and “how do we find out?” to broader questions about the relationship between the kind of data available and the policies formed about the phenomenon.These issues are explored in the attempt to construct a body of critical knowledge through the processes of calculating risks and the risk of calculating. Conclusions are drawn through the examination of interrelated policies in Greece and abroad.

In the same context, four interventions have presented the aspect of governmental and independent authorities specialised in the domain of illegal immigration and are included in this special issue.

The intervention of Professor Vassilis Karydis, Deputy Ombudsman, the Greek Ombudsman, Independent Authority, focuses on “Mixed flows and Human Rights: The experience of The Greek Ombudsman". In this context, the general competence of the Greek Ombudsman and human rights of irregular migrants has been approached as well as the issue of mixed flows and asylum seekers through the recent institutional reforms and developments and other significant developments with implications for border control and visa policy. Specific remarks on issues concerning aliens “without papers” have been included in this presentation followed by the conclusions and suggestions of its author.

The intervention of Filippos Manolaros, President of the Board of Judges, of the Court of Appeals in N. Aegean, deal with “Τhe judicial fight against illegal immigration in Greece”. The starting point of this speech is the problem of illegal immigration in Greece and the emphasis is given in the North Aegean and especially in two islands –Lesbos ND Chios- where the immigrants from Asia and Africa reach easier. The author analyses the phenomenon of illegal immigration in Greece presenting the ways the illegal immigrants reach and come in the Greek territory, the profile of the smugglers, the methods and the excuses they use beyond the authorities and the court. Moreover, the attitude of the Greek authorities is outlined and their collaboration with Frontex in the perspective to take all the appropriate measures in order to find out the immigrants, to protect their live and to provide them all the necessary services and medical care they need. A main aim of this intervention is to contribute to the discussion for a better way of facing illegal immigration in Greece, proposing a number of measures at administrative, legal, judicial and political level.

Maria Stavropoulou, Director, Asylum Service, Ministry of Public Order & Citizen Protection, intervened with her presentation on “International protection in Greece: The new Greek Asylum Service”. The presentation is focused on the establishment and operation of the new Asylum Service which is the first specialized instance in the country, competent to adjudicate on applications for international protection. The goal and the mission of the Service are outlined as well as its latest statistical data are presented. The Asylum Service contributes to the formulation of the Greek policy on international protection and cooperates with international organisations and the European Union institutions. Asylum Service is a new institution in Greece and, by taking into consideration that it was established under social circumstances which are characterized by the financial crisis of Greece, the assessment of its operation has been very positive.

Finally, Alexandros Arvanitidis, Head of Department, Service of First Reception, Ministry of Public Order & Citizen Protection, addressed its intervention on “Management of mixed migration flows; a continuing operational challenge for the First Reception Service”.First Reception Centers constitute the competent authority for the screening and registration of all irregular migrants who are apprehended by the authorities for illegal entry or stay in the territory. They do not constitute detention centers; the irregular migrants who are hosted within the premises of First Reception Centers, can only stay there up to 15 days. Upon arrival TCNs receive information about where they are, procedures that will take place, facilities and services. They are also informed about their rights regarding international protection. They also go through a first medical examination to identify urgent situations. Finally, they receive NFIs, clothes and shoes if they need, clean linen and are assigned to dormitories. Afterwards they are screened, registered, receive medical care and treatment if necessary, and are referred to a competent authority at the end of the process according to the case: asylum seekers are referred to the regional office of the Asylum Service operating in the FRC, UAMs and other vulnerable groups are referred to Open Accommodation Facilities and the rest to the Hellenic Police to be returned. During their stay they have access to NGOs, legal help etc. Interpretation services are offered throughout their stay.

The aforementioned papers approach several aspects of the complex phenomenon of illegal immigration and contribute to in depth discussion with emphasis on prevention policies and on the necessity of the interdisciplinary collaboration on European level. 


 # Greeting From Prof. Iacovos Farsedakis



Dear Reader,

The Hellenic Presidency of the EUCPN focused, because of their particular importance in both the Greek and European context, on two topics: “Illegal immigration” and “Corruption”. Academics and researchers presented the latest knowledge and research in these fields and representatives from public bodies and organizations summarized the actions that have been taken to tackle the aforementioned phenomena.

The first topic addressed the challenges that the flow of people from third world countries brings to Europe and mainly to its most vulnerable borders. In this context, well managed migration an dintegrating policies examined through the bodies that make a great effort to balance the prevention of the phenomenon while ensuring the protection of human rights, without undermining democracy.

On the other hand, corruption harms the society and economy as a whole. Though it varies in nature and extent, it affects the economy of European countries as well as their citizens. Legal instruments and institutions must be reinforced to prevent and fight corruption. Also, citizens’ trust in democratic institutions should be enhanced. Best practices as well as good governance and the rule of law were discussed during a Knowledge Exchange session.

The Hellenic Presidency would like to thank all speakers who participated during the meetings and expanded the Network input on illegal immigration and corruption with their expertise.

Χριστίνα Ζαραφωνίτου
“Δεν μπορούσα να διανοηθώ ότι δε θ’ ασχοληθώ με την Εγκληματολογία”


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Είστε υπέρ ή κατά της με κάθε μέσο διατήρησης στη ζωή ενός ανιάτως πάσχοντα ασθενούς ο οποίος : 
α) απευθύνει επίμονη και συνειδητή έκκληση για το μοιραίο;
β) είναι σε κώμα και η κατάστασή του περιγράφεται ως «μη αναστρέψιμη»;


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Ministry of Citizen Protection

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Professor Giannis Panousis

Centre for Psychoanalytic Research

Sector of Criminal Sciences - Faculty of Law - National & Kapodistrian University of Athens

Association of greek criminologists - Panteion University

Centre of Social Research - Technological Education Institute of Messolonghi

Sector of Criminology - Panteion University

Sector of Penal and Criminological Sciences - Faculty of Law - Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

European Court of Human Rights - Search Portal

Hellenic League for Human Rights

Marangkopoulos Foundation for Human Rights

Faculty of Law - National & Kapodistrian University of Athens

Centre for Penal and Criminological Research

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