Τεύχος 23 - Οκτώβριος 2012
Μέγεθος γραμμάτων
To ξεblogάρισμα διοργανώνει το Σάββατο 20 και την Κυριακή 21 Aπριλίου το πασχαλινό μπαζάρ του, για την ενίσχυση των άπορων κρατουμένων και των παιδιών που ζουν με τις φυλακισμένες μητέρες τους στις γυναικείες φυλακές Ελεώνα Θήβας. Στο μπαζάρ, το οποίο θα πραγματοποιηθεί στο πνευματικό κέντρο του Αγίου Νικολάου Ραγκαβά στη συμβολή των οδών Επιχάρμου και Πρυτανείου, στην Πλάκα -κοντά στο μετρό της Ακρόπολης- θα συμμετάσχει το εργαστήριο ζωγραφικής των φυλακών με έργα κρατουμένων καθώς και το Ν.Π.Ι.Δ. Επάνοδος που τελεί υπο την εποπτεία του Υπουργείου Δικαιοσύνης, Διαφάνειας και Ανθρωπίνων Δικαιωμάτων με έργα αποφυλακισμένων.

Στο μπαζάρ θα διατεθούν τίτλοι βιβλίων από δεύτερο χέρι σε τιμές από 1 ως 5 ευρώ, σπιτικές μαρμελάδες και λικέρ, χειροποίητα σαπούνια, λαμπάδες, διακοσμητικά και γλυκά. Όπως σε κάθε μπαζάρ μας θα συλλέγουμε είδη πρώτης ανάγκης για τις φυλακισμένες και τα παιδάκια όπως: πάνες, είδη παιδικής περιποίησης, σαμπουάν, αφρόλουτρα, οδοντόκρεμες, οδοντόβουρτσες, χαρτί υγείας, απορρυπαντικό για πλύσιμο ρούχων, υγρό καθαρισμού χώρου, σαπούνια, τηλεκάρτες κ.ά.
Το μπαζάρ θα λειτουργήσει το Σάββατο από τις 10 π.μ. έως τις 9 μ.μ. και την Κυριακή από τις 10 π.μ. ως τις 8 μ.μ..
Περισσότερες πληροφορίες στο http://xeblogarisma.blogspot.com.
| Emeritus Professor Calliope Spinellis
"Today, there are several well-qualified criminologists in Greece".
 Victim offender mediation in family violence cases The greek experience
by Vasso Artinopoulou,
Ass. Professor of Criminology, Panteion University (GR)
The article describes the implementation of victim offender mediation as provided by law in cases of domestic violence in Greece
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  | Improving prison conditions in Greece
... by Nestor E. Courakis Professor of Criminology & Penology
Faculty of Law, University of Athens (GR)
"This editorial is dedicated to prisons and the Greek penal system since we believe it is the duty of any society to give priority to correctional topics and have as its main objective to improve prison conditions. How might this improvement be achieved, however?
With this issue we celebrate the English-language edition of the Greek electronic journal “The Art of Crime”. It would be trite to discuss here emotions such as elation and hope that of course are called for at a time like this. The overwhelming emotion, at least to me, is gratitude to the main protagonists of this first criminological electronic magazine in our country, i.e. to Fotios Spyropoulos and Dionysis Chionis ..."
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Innocent prisoners and deceived offenders
"punishing somebody who is innocent is a crime"
Have you ever considered what it would be like to be wrongly arrested by the authorities, detained on remand, and after a few months it was proved that you had been wrongly accused and had nothing to do with the case? The issue of wrongful remand of prisoners came to light again in Greece with the case of a young man from the greek island of Mytilene who was arrested and prosecuted for rape and attempted serial rape of 5 women...
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Constantine Gardikas
Constantine Gardikas, the son of George Gardikas, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Athens, was born in the city of Patras in 1896. Constantine Gardikas developed into a prolific scientist with a solid classical education.
He studied law in Athens, and he continued his studies in Zurich and Geneva specializing in criminal law and criminology. He received his doctorate degree at the age of 22 and then started lecturing at the University of Geneva, Switzerland. ...
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Advice on the use of credit cards
"Plastic money" has replaced cash as the dominant method of payment in our everyday transactions.
We are familiar, therefore, with the use of credit cards, but how well do we know to protect ourselves from credit card fraud?
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 |  |   Problems of reoffending of young detainees
Conclusions of the follow-up research of the Center for Penal and Criminological Research (University of Athens)
by Nestor E. Courakis Professor of Criminology University of Athens (GR)
This research was characterized as a follow-up because its main purpose was to discover first, what happened to Greek juvenile detainees with whom we had run interviews in the previous stage of the research (1993) ...
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“Asking people…” Interesting questions and even more interesting responses
The events that took place in late 2008, in Greece, in the state correctional facilities, the hunger strike of prisoners and the widespread violent protests concerning prison conditions didn’t leave us unaffected. So we found the opportunity to ask people’s opinion on this important issue. We take the recorder into the street ... and ask YOUR opinion:
"Do you believe there must be changes in the conditions of imprisonment in our country and if so, what should they be?”
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The profile of a famous greek criminal through the eye of a camera, the lyrics of a song and his autobiography 
A book, a song, and a movie with the same protagonist…
Nikos Koemtzis, a famous Greek criminal who killed three people and stabbed seven more, all because he wanted to dance to a song he had "ordered" from the musicians in a music hall. He transferred the story of his life to a book. Dionysis Savvopoulos (a famous Greek singer-songwriter) read the book and turned it into a song. Pavlos Tassios (a well known Greek director) heard the song and made a film. And now we present a criminologist’s scientific analysis of this artistic triptych.
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  A case study of a recidivist criminal
This is the interesting story of a recidivist criminal (Elias) who is incarcerated in a Greek prison. We managed to interview him, unattended, in late May 1999 in a special area in the guardhouse yard. The main topic of our conversation was his life story, the life of a young man through the prison bars…
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